20040825_004Melanie Bowman, Katie Girardeau
3670 Winter Creek
Rochester Hills, Michigan
25 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040825_005Melanie Bowman, Katie Girardeau
3670 Winter Creek
Rochester Hills, Michigan
25 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040825_003Katie Girardeau
3670 Winter Creek
Rochester Hills, Michigan
25 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040825_002Melanie Bowman, Haley Girardeau
3670 Winter Creek
Rochester Hills, Michigan
25 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040825_001Katie Girardeau
3670 Winter Creek
Rochester Hills, Michigan
25 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040812_008Haley Girardeau's Soccer Game
Trenton Soccer Field
Trenton, Ontario
12 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040812_009Haley Girardeau's Soccer Game
Trenton Soccer Field
Trenton, Ontario
12 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040812_007Haley Girardeau's Soccer Game
Trenton Soccer Field
Trenton, Ontario
12 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040812_006Haley Girardeau's Soccer Game
Trenton Soccer Field
Trenton, Ontario
12 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040812_004Haley Girardeau's Soccer Game
Trenton Soccer Field
Trenton, Ontario
12 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040812_005Haley Girardeau's Soccer Game
Trenton Soccer Field
Trenton, Ontario
12 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040809_001Guy Girardeau
8 Wing Trenton
Trenton, Ontario
9 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040812_001Haley Girardeau, Audrey Chabot
Trenton Soccer Field
Trenton, Ontario
12 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040812_002Audrey Chabot, Haley Girardeau
Trenton Soccer Field
Trenton, Ontario
12 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040812_003Haley Girardeau, Audrey Chabot
Trenton Soccer Field
Trenton, Ontario
12 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040810_005Haley Girardeau
25A Johnson Drive
Trenton, Ontario
10 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040810_004Katie Girardeau
25A Johnson Drive
Trenton, Ontario
10 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040810_002Katie Girardeau
25A Johnson Drive
Trenton, Ontario
10 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040810_001Katie Girardeau
25A Johnson Drive
Trenton, Ontario
10 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040810_003Katie Girardeau
25A Johnson Drive
Trenton, Ontario
10 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040806_027Guy & Haley Girardeau
The Big Apple
Colbourne, Ontario
6 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040806_023Guy Girardeau
The Big Apple
Colbourne, Ontario
6 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040806_025Guy & Haley Girardeau
The Big Apple
Colbourne, Ontario
6 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040806_019Haley & Katie Girardeau
Cobourg Beach
Cobourg, Ontario
6 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040806_026Haley Girardeau
The Big Apple
Colbourne, Ontario
6 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040806_024Haley & Guy Girardeau
The Big Apple
Colbourne, Ontario
6 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040806_017Haley & Katie Girardeau
Cobourg Beach
Cobourg, Ontario
6 August 2004Oct 19, 2008

20040806_020Haley & Katie Girardeau
Cobourg Beach
Cobourg, Ontario
6 August 2004Oct 19, 2008
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